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1. What is direct primary care (DPC)? 

Direct primary care is an innovative healthcare model that puts patients first by getting rid of the red tape that constrains traditional practices. How? It’s simple: we don’t accept insurance. Instead, patients pay a monthly retainer fee for unlimited visits whether you are sick or not. This model offers better patient outcomes, greater patient satisfaction, & actually saves you money in the long run.


2. How will this save me money? 

You won’t have to pay a co-pay for office visits or routine physicals. You may be able to avoid many visits altogether by sending your questions directly to us via e-mail, which is something you won’t get from a traditional practice.

More importantly, since you are getting all this amazing care from us, you can cut way back on your insurance premiums. Most DPC patients find a high-deductible, low-premium insurance or health-share plan so they are covered in the case of a major health issue.

Insurance is saved for emergency and specialty care.


3. Do you accept insurance? 

No. We do not accept or bill insurance companies.

Acceptable payment is either by cash or credit card.

Foregoing insurance companies allows us to offer cheaper prices on services.

4. I don’t have insurance—can I still join? 

Yes, we take care of any patient regardless of your insurance situation. Since we work completely outside of the insurance system, none of the billing for care with us is eligible for insurance reimbursement.

5. Do I still need insurance?

While we do not accept insurance at our clinic, we strongly recommend that our patients carry a medical plan in case of hospitalizations or specialist visits.

6. If I have Medicare, Medicaid, Tricare, or SSI, can I still join? 

Yes, but you will be required to sign a one-time waiver declaring that neither you nor your doctor will directly bill any of the above carriers for our services.

The carriers listed above will normally still cover any laboratory testing, imaging, medications, or hospitalizations prescribed by our offices.

7. What happens if I need to go to the hospital? 

You go to the hospital of your choice.

We will communicate closely with your hospital staff during your stay if you alert us of the admission.

We will also request your medical records upon discharge from hospital.


8. What if I need to see a specialist? 

We try our hardest to manage all of your medical needs in our office, but we can refer you to a specialist if needed.

Depending on the level of care and the sorts of expertise required, we may rely on those specialized caregivers to manage your treatment.

9. What if I need medical attention while I’m away from home? 

You will have our provider’s email and clinic phone number. You can reach out to us whenever you need, wherever you are. Many illnesses can be diagnosed and treated with a simple conversation. We will also assist you to locate the nearest pharmacy, lab, or imaging facility and order the most appropriate things for your circumstances.

10. What does the membership fee cover? 

The fee covers primary care visits with no copay. This includes the following: annual wellness exams, sports physicals, school physicals, chronic care office visits, follow-up visits, basic office procedures, and treatment of acute illness or minor injuries.

11. What medical conditions do you care for? 

We treat all kinds of common everyday problems like colds, flu, strep, rashes, and injuries. We also treat more complicated long term medical problems like adult diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and thyroid disorders. We treat all of the these conditions and more.

12. Can children become members too? 

Yes. We are happy to see your children as well. See our pricing page for details.

13. Are procedures included in the membership fees? 

Many basic procedures are included in the membership fee. Other procedures may be provided for a fee. We will keep a menu of pricing in the office so you will know the exact price in advance. Additional procedures are billed at the point of service.

14. What if I decide to cancel?  

We expect to have an open, honest, respectful relationship with you. If you are dissatisfied with our service and we can’t resolve the issue together or if you needs change, we will gladly allow you to terminate your membership.


15.Are my medical records ever shared with government agencies, insurance carriers, or pharmaceutical companies? 

We maintain high standards of patient privacy.

We will never provide your health information to any third party unless you specifically ask that we do so.